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Family Engagement

Pleasant Grove Independent School District Parent-Family Engagement Policy 2024-2025

What is it?
Pleasant Grove Independent School District is committed to our mission to ensure high-levels of learning for all students. We do this by aligning our policies, programs and practices to reflect the commitment to ensuring high levels of learning for all students. One way we continue to do this is by participating in the Title I, Part A State Program. This program provides funding for low-socioeconomic schools. In return, we promise to meet the expectations laid out for us by the Texas Education Agency and the United States Department of Education.

Expectations and Objectives
Parents and families are a child's first teacher.They imitate you from the moment they are born. Therefore, a mutually beneficial relationship between school and home is in the best interest of every child. The expectation of our PFE Program is to foster communication and decision-making with parents about student performance and to collaboratively support learning. Our objectives are:

  • Effective two-way communication between school and home which is linked to a higher completion rate on homework, better attention during instructional tasks, increased participation by all parties, and improved interactions and relationships between parents, teachers, and students.

We believe:

  • If a child's parents are more involved in school experiences, the child is more likely to have higher grades, improved behavior, better attendance, higher social skills, and adaption.
  • Learning together leads to better school and home life.
  • Being a life-long learner can prevent some health issues that often occur later in life.

PGISD will:

To engage more parents in our school community, PGISD will:

  • Include parents in the development of our Parent Family Engagement Plan through campus meetings and parent surveys.
  • Distribute the PFE Policy, this document, to parents and the communities by:
    • Posting it on our district website, and keeping it up to date
    • Distributing printed copies to local businesses
    • Distributing printed copies and QR codes to the electronic version at all the school's annual meetings
    • Have a district representative at every school's annual Title I meeting
    • Have a district representative at every school PFE event
    • Per request, provide the qualifications of a child's teacher
    • Conduct evaluations of every PFE event at each school, collect that data and review that information with the school
    • Assist schools in the evaluation and revision of their PFE policy and school-parent
    • Evaluate the District Parent and Family Program and its policy throughout the year and revise it as needed
    • Provide training to every district employee on the most effective PFE strategies

Parent Events: To assist parents in navigating the school system, the following parent training opportunities will be provided:

  • Meet and Greet on every campus
  • Campus Literacy Events
  • Campus Math Events
  • High School FAFSA information
  • Secondary School course selection
  • Campus Art Nights with exhibits
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences
  • Title I meetings on Title I campuses (MFDES and PGIS)

Parent and Family Engagement Policy