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Purchasing & Vendor InformationThe District's purchasing of goods and services is governed by federal, state, and local Board Policy.

Purchases with federal funds shall be made in accordance with EDGAR regulations, state purchasing laws, School Board Policy and the District's State and Federal Grants Manual. Purchases with state and local funds shall be made in accordance with state purchasing laws, School Board Policy and the District's Business Procedures Manual.

The Board has authorized the Superintendent and/or Director of Finance to make single, budgeted purchases for goods and services for less than $25,000. The Board shall approve all single, budgeted purchases over $25,000.

In awarding a contract to a vendor, the District shall consider:

  1. Purchase price.
  2. The reputation of the vendor and of the vendor's goods and services.
  3. The quality of the vendor's goods or services.
  4. The extent to which the goods and services meet the District's needs.
  5. The vendor's past relationship with the District.
  6. The impact on the ability of the District to comply with laws relating to historically underutilized businesses.
  7. The total long-term cost to the District to acquire the goods and services.
  8. Any other relevant factor specifically listed in the request for bids or proposals.

All vendors shall complete the District's Vendor Application form and required documents. In addition, the vendors shall submit Conflict of Interest and Disclosure of Interested Parties Forms, as appropriate. 

Note: All purchase commitments shall be made by the Superintendent or Director of Finance, on behalf of the District, on a properly executed Purchase Order. The District will not be responsible for payment of goods or services that are provided to Pleasant Grove ISD staff without an approved purchase order. 

New Vendor Packet